Browse Items (21 total)

Christmas show-unknown date-1.jpeg
A collection of photos from a Christmas event held at an unknown date. The Newcomerstown Jaycees may have been involved.

dryplate 1.jpeg
A collection of dry plates from a box labeled: Jay Peck, Mrs. Glady-Russ, etc Glady-emoting From Miss Helen Gefeller.

East School Construction 1956-1.jpeg
Photographs showing the initial construction of Newcomerstown East School dating to 1956.

Home Equipment Show - unknown date-1.jpeg
A collection of photos from a home equipment show held in Newcomerstown, Unknown date

Ice Skating Jan 1965.jpeg
A photograph from winter 1965.

Jeff Carr-unknown date-1.jpeg
Labeled as only Jeff Carr, these photos shows an initiation ritual by an unknown group. The group may be a veteran's group.

Jaycee Christmas Haul.jpeg
The Jaycee showing off their collected Christmas donations, unknown date.

More community work done by the Jaycee. These negatives weren't labeled with a date.

Jaycee Dimes 6-16-1961-1.jpeg
Photos of some of the Jaycee community work labeled with the date 6-16-1961.

Photograph of the Kurtz Kash interior production line labeled 7-7-1961
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